Wednesday, October 28, 2015

DJ's Don't Loose Your Groove

It's a very common tale. Your a DJ and you've aged over the past decade and in the process you've forgotten what's cool. I guess you could say... you've lost your groove. It's a failure to stay fresh, wish causes a failure to boost business, but how are you supposed to stay fresh in an industry where trends change almost weekly? The key is inspiration my friend. If I were you I'd do a scan of the web everyday and find the coolest pictures of the DJ's that you can whether they do Top 40's Music, Experimental, EDM, etc. I don't care. Get inspired by guys like the one below. He's got it and that's what the people want. I'm not saying we all have to be DJ Khaled, I'm just saying we can all learn something from the streets and from the people.


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