Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to Dance to JuJu on that Beat

Ah, the good ol' group/line dance game has a newer player in "JUJU ON THAT BEAT" by Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall. You probably haven't heard of them but you know the song, or you've seen someone dancing to it, or you've been at a wedding where someone requested it and the DJ obliged. Whether you're into group/line dances or not into them, if you attend or plan to attend weddings or events anytime soon, you aught to learn the song/dance and be in the know.

Here we've got a choreographer who has broken down the steps to teach the dance in it's entirety:

Some DJs are cool with these types of requests and some aren't, but heck, if you like the song and you're at a wedding, go ahead and request it. In fact, most DJs will likely be happy that you're not requesting the older, cheesier group/line dances like electric slide or ymca. A good DJ will be able to read the crowd and see if it's the right thing to mix in or not.

So, learn the song, learn the moves, and if you feel so inclined... bust a move at the next wedding you attend. Oh, and although it's older, people are still requesting the Cupid Shuffle, so if you're into this kind of thing, you may want to learn that one too.

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